Under the aegis - Под эгидой
The words under the aegis mean with the support or protection of. The phrase comes from mythology. Tradition does not agree as to the origin of the word aegis. It is most commonly believed to have been the brass shield of Zeus, made by Hephaestus, and symbolizing the god’s power. When Zeus was angry he wraved and shook the aegis, making a sound, by which the nations were overawed. He sometimes allowed his favoured daughter Athena to have it. So in course of time the aegis became the attribute of Zeus and Athena. According to other accounts, aegis was a cloak, made of the skin of the goat Amalthea, who suckled Zeus when he was a baby. The cloak was a garment worn by the god and therefore imbued with his supernatural power. The stout hide of the cloak could turn a blow like a buffcoat, and thus it w as used as a piece of armour.
Нескучное онлайн-обучение английскому языку с помощью игр и интересных заданий Присоединяйтесь к 23 миллионам пользователей LingualeoI. В мифологии древних греков эгидой называли щит верховного божества Зевса. 2. Эгиду для Зевса изготовил бог-кузнец Гефест. 3. Потрясая эгидой, Зевс наводил ужас на смертных. 4. Эгидой владела и дочь Зевса Афина. 5. По другим сказаниям, эгида была сделана из шкуры козы Амалфеи, которая своим молоком выкормила младенца-Зевса. 6. Эгида изображается в виде щита или в виде панциря. 7. В ыраж ение под эгидой означает ‘под защитой, под покровительством’.